My Life Me is a short-lived French Canadian animated television series
created by JC Little, Cindy Filipenko and Svetlana Chmakova,
co-directed by Mr. Niko. The teen slice-of-life comedy follows Birch
Small, a manga and anime fan with aspirations of being a comic artist,
as she tries to survive high school. The show features manga symbols
such as sweatdrops, speech bubbles, and super-deformed chibi
characters.The series first aired on the French-language Télétoon on
September 19, 2010. It was shown on the English-language channel
Teletoon from September 5, 2011 to September 30, 2011.The series is
available on Peacock.My Life Me received a development deal in 2006
from Teletoon. The series was a co-production between Canadian and
French companies. The episodes were animated using ToonBoom Harmony,
and the animation was split episodically between Toutenkartoon in
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and Caribara in Angoulême, France.
Backgrounds were created in Maya, then cel-shaded, rendered and
imported into Harmony. The animators did a hybrid of digital and hand
drawn to help the fluidity in the animation.
created by JC Little, Cindy Filipenko and Svetlana Chmakova,
co-directed by Mr. Niko. The teen slice-of-life comedy follows Birch
Small, a manga and anime fan with aspirations of being a comic artist,
as she tries to survive high school. The show features manga symbols
such as sweatdrops, speech bubbles, and super-deformed chibi
characters.The series first aired on the French-language Télétoon on
September 19, 2010. It was shown on the English-language channel
Teletoon from September 5, 2011 to September 30, 2011.The series is
available on Peacock.My Life Me received a development deal in 2006
from Teletoon. The series was a co-production between Canadian and
French companies. The episodes were animated using ToonBoom Harmony,
and the animation was split episodically between Toutenkartoon in
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and Caribara in Angoulême, France.
Backgrounds were created in Maya, then cel-shaded, rendered and
imported into Harmony. The animators did a hybrid of digital and hand
drawn to help the fluidity in the animation.
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