¿QuÃ(c) Pasa, USA? Family, Real Name, Spouse, Profession, Eye Color, body stats, Feet Size, Wiki

¿QuÃ(c) Pasa, USA? Family, Real Name, Spouse, Profession, Eye Color, body stats, Feet Size, Wiki

¿Qué Pasa, USA? (Spanish: What's Happening, USA?) is America's first

bilingual situation comedy, and the first sitcom to be produced for

PBS. It was produced and taped from 1977 to 1980 in front of a live

studio audience at PBS member station WPBT in Miami, Florida and aired

on PBS member stations nationwide.The program explored the trials and

tribulations faced by the Peñas, a Cuban-American family living in

Miami's Little Havana neighborhood, as they struggled to cope with a

new country and a new language. The series is praised as being very

true-to-life and accurately, if humorously, portraying the life and

culture of Miami's Cuban-American population. Today, the show is

cherished by many Miamians as a true, albeit humorous, representation

of life and culture in Miami.The series focused on the identity crisis

of the members of the family as they were pulled in one direction by

their eldersâ€"who wanted to maintain Cuban values and

traditionsâ€"and pulled in other directions by the pressures of living

in a predominantly Anglo-American society. This caused many

misadventures for the entire Peña family as they get pulled in all

directions in their attempt to preserve their heritage.The series was

bilingual, reflecting the code-switching from Spanish use in the home

and English at the supermarket ("Spanglish") predominant in

Cuban-American households in the generation following the Cuban exodus

of the 1960s. The use of language in the show paralleled the

generational differences in many Cuban-American families of the era.

The grandparents spoke almost exclusively Spanish and were

reluctantâ€"at times, even hostileâ€"toward the idea of learning

English; an episode featured a dream sequence where Joe, the son of

the family, dreams about his grandparents exclusively speaking English

(while Joe and Carmen could only speak in Spanish). The grandparents'

struggle with English often resulted in humorous misunderstandings and

malapropisms. The parents' relative fluency in English was laced with

strong Cuban accents and alternated between the two languages

depending on the situation. The children, having been exposed to

American culture for years, spoke primarily in slightly accented

colloquial English, but were able to converse relatively competently

in Spanish as needed (such as when speaking to their grandparents);

however, one of the running gags of the show revolved around their

occasional butchering of Spanish grammar or vocabulary.
¿QuÃ(c) Pasa, USA? Family, Real Name, Spouse, Profession, Eye Color, body stats, Feet Size, Wiki

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